That’s a wrap!!! Been an amazing season. Far too short. Audiences loved it and we hope it inspired people as much as it inspired us. Til next time.
The careers of four eccentric Broadway stars are struggling and they
desperately need a new stage upon which to shine bright once more. Seeking out a cause, they head straight to small-town Indiana. Through social media, they have heard of trouble brewing around a school prom. Local girl, Emma Nolan, wants to take her girlfriend to prom but the homophobic PTA are on a mission to keep the high school dance on the straight and narrow.
Determined to transform lives and put themselves back in the limelight, the Broadway celebrities’ muscle in to change the town and give Emma the prom she deserves.
SHOW DATES: 12th – 22nd June 2024
VENUE: Up-Stage Theatre, 26A Moonshine Road, Upper Hutt
If you want to book tickets to see this amazing production click here.