The Creative Team are looking for strong singers, good movers/dancers (especially for those that are to be in the ensemble) and strong actors who can establish their characters quickly, are able to improvise and want to get involved in the creative process as well as provide an environment that is inclusive of all ethnicities, genders, abilities, body types and sizes.
● Cast size: 13 named roles but looking for 10 – 17 ensemble members
● Cast age: Ages 13+
Note 1: The show is set in Indiana, USA. A ‘neutral’ American accent will be required.
Note 2: Intimacy – There will be some kissing, hugging and hand holding for some of the lead characters, however is not critical to the script and can be amended.
AUDITION DATES: Saturday 17 – Sunday 18 February 2024
AUDITION TIMES: 15-minute slots available from 10:00am – 4:00pm.
Bookings are essential.
CALL-BACKS: Tuesday 20 February – 7:00pm – 9:30pm.
If you are going to audition for a named role then please ensure the above date is free as the Director may wish to conduct chemistry tests between certain characters.
VENUE: Up-Stage Theatre, 26A Moonshine Road, Upper Hutt.
If you would like to fill out the audition form and find more information about each role please click here to access our google drive. The information pack is also available to download below.
Please contact Ash Sederel on 027 526 8032 or
upperhuttmusicaltheatre@outlook.com to book an audition time or for more information.